GST malaysia Disadvantages (government, business, consumers)

The main issues concerning about the implementation of GST is the costs of the goods will increase which will burden the people in the country. Although the government claim that the implementation of GST will not hurt the businesses and people as the tax paid on the inputs at the previous stage is claimable or deductible, overall the the cost of goods will still increase as the producers-pass the full value added to the end consumers at the final stage. 

Consequently, there might have inflation effect since the GST is applied to the prices of all goods, at every stages which result in inflation as the general products prices may go up and the hyperinflation might occur from the continuously of inflation.

There might have continuously effect from the products prices go up. The demand of the market might substantially decrease due to the limited purchasing power of households. Many people argue against the GST is that the people would not have the ability to pay for it as the high cost of living can not be met by their current income needs and GST would unduly burden the low income working group. Due to the increased products prices and high cost of living, people may not willing to spend so much as their limited purchasing power and the market demand will substantially affected. 

Although the government claim that the GST would not hurt businesses due to GST claimable practice, in fact it will hurt the businesses too. This is because of the low demand in the market due to the high cost of product pass to the end consumers, the businesses have to decrease the supply to meet the current condition of lower demand, thus the businesses have to cut down the expenses such as labor cost due to the lower output needed and eventually there might occur high rate of unemployment. Besides, the businesses is not producing in the efficient conditions as they are not maximizing the usage of the machines, rental and etc and all these will lead them to downsize their businesses and eventually lead to the recessions in a country.

In addition, GST is a new form of broad-based tax that will impact the majority of Malaysians who are not the taxpayers now. Although the government claims that the implementation of GST would not burden the people because the income tax rate is not increasing, in fact the GST is increasing the burden of Malaysians who are not the taxpayers now. This is because some people is not eligible to pay for income tax where their income is under certain amounts, so the broad based tax system-GST will impact on those low income workers who are not the taxpayers now as they will have to pay for GST when they consume and make purchases.

Many people is worrying the rate of GST may possibly increase in the future in order to increase for the government revenue. This is because many countries have increased the rate of GST after its inception. People expectation and estimation on the increasing rate of GST in the future will lower the public consumptions as they are unwilling to spend more on the goods and instead they are making more saving. The starting rate of GST is lower than the sales and service tax, however people is worrying the GST rate may even higher than the current sales and services tax in the future.

Moreover, some people is arguing that the GST should not be implemented as the introduction of GST might lead to higher debt level of the country as other countries occurs such as Greece and Italy. Therefore, GST has not helped in the development of the country and its would not help in reducing the country's debt level. Besides, the proposed implementation GST is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the existing tax system, however its might hard to comply with its as it involving complex accounting system and required proper audit systems too. Lastly, people is worrying that the redistribution of increased tax revenue might not be achieved or unfairly. Perhaps implementing GST will force consumers to spend less and more careful in the retail choices as people are fear of the unexpected inflation and consequences result from the implementation of GST.